I went to Borders the first weekend after I learned they were closing. I'm an avid book reader and knew there would be good sales. But the first weekend proved to be too soon. The place was packed and most of the books were only 20% off. So I waited another month before venturing back into store. Most of the books were still 20% off, but the 30% off discount had appeared. I bought a few books at one location and headed to another borders and bought a few more.
I felt like I was playing a waiting game with Borders. I wanted to time it so that I went one last time right before the stores closed because I knew the books would be crazy cheap. Obviously the trick was not waiting too long when the stores closed for good.
A few weeks ago Borders published a list of closing dates on their locations and the 2 stores closest to my house were closing within 5 days. I made a dash to each store and yes indeed, the prices were cheap...most, if not all, of the books were $1. Both stores were nearly empty of their merchandise but I managed to find 3 hardbacks and a handful of books for that crazy price of a dollar a piece.
And now looking at all the books that I bought, I'm wondering what in the world I was thinking.
In addition to the books I bought at Borders, I have dozens and dozens of books waiting to be read. I'm on the email list of Amazon's daily book blog "Omnivoracious", NPR's book list, Good Reads and I'm in a monthly book club. The websites provide most of my reading material in addition to anything that I may hear on NPR. Sometimes when I'm in Barnes and Noble, I will happen across a book that looks interesting and I add that title to my growing list. When we go on vacation, a book on the natural history of, or the environmental history of the city or state we're visiting is a MUST. I can't tell you how many books I bought on vacation that I have yet to read. Did I mention I also have a Nook?
I know I'm obsessed with books. I may even be a book hoarder. But there's nothing better to occupy your time while waiting at the doctor's office, the garage or dentist's office than a good book. Reading while waiting for a flight and during the flight helps curb my impatience. Yes I am one of those "Are we there yet?" kind of people. Reading gives my brain something to do and enables me to wind down at night before bed.
And I love a good series. I like watching characters develop and how they react to unfolding events in their fictitious lives. The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs are my favorite urban fantasy series. A new series I've grown attached to are the Noble Dead by Barb and JC Hendee. Other favorite series include The Dragonlance Chronicles, The Dark Disciple Series and The War of Souls, all by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I enjoy the Rogue Angel series by Alex Archer (The main character is a she-Macgyver! How can I not love those books?)
So many books and not enough time. At the rate I continue to buy and borrow books, I'm not sure I'll ever get them all read.
Two Unneeded Cents
4 hours ago
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